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The Sport Psychology Council (SPC) was started in the 1990s by Dr. Michael Sachs who was interested in supporting collaboration among sport psychology organizations and leaders. In its current form, the SPC is a group of individuals who represent sport psychology organizations around the world. The SPC gathers at conferences and congresses to share sport psychology organizations' successes, trends, and difficulties and to discuss and implement strategies to promote all organizations and the field of sport psychology. There is no membership fee for organizations to join the SPC and no bylaws or typical organizational structure. Rather, the SPC maintains its informal status and meets at conferences and congresses when hosted by the generosity of sport psychology organizations worldwide.
- Michael Sachs, founder and Chair of the Sport Psychology Council 1993- 2003
- Kate Hays, 2nd Chair of the Sport Psychology Council 2003 - 2008
- Judy Van Raalte, 3rd Chair of the Sport Psychology Council 2008- continuing.